Wednesday, 9 July 2008

The European Consumer Centres Network (ECC-Net)

The European Consumer Centres Network (ECC-Net)

Who can you turn to if you have a problem with a product you bought in another European country?
Who can inform you of your rights and what you are entitled to as a European consumer?
If you have a complaint against a company or you are in a dispute with a trader, who can assist you and help solve your case?

The Network of European Consumer Centres is there to help with such questions and any other problems you may have concerning your activities as a consumer in Europe. The aim is that you should feel as confident when shopping in another country as you do at home.

List of centres Updated 16-06-2008 and centres' websites.

What is the ECC-Net?

The European Consumer Centres Network (ECC-Net) is an EU-wide network designed to promote consumer confidence by advising citizens on their rights as consumers and providing easy access to redress, particularly in cases where the consumer has made a cross-border purchase.

The Network was created by merging two previously existing networks: the European Consumer Centres or 'Euroguichets', which provided information and assistance on cross-border issues; and the European Extra-Judicial Network or "EEJ-Net" which helped consumers to resolve their disputes through alternative dispute resolution schemes (ADRs) using mediators or arbitrators.

The aim of the European Consumer Centres is to provide consumers with a wide range of services, from providing information on their rights to giving advice and assistance with their complaints and the resolution of disputes.

What services do the centres provide?

They inform consumers about the opportunities offered by the Internal Market.
They advise individuals facing a consumer-related problem and support them in pursuing cross-border complaints.
They advise on out-of-court-settlement procedures for consumers throughout Europe.
They provide consumers with easy and informed access to such procedures across borders.
They co-operate with each other and with other European networks such as the FIN-NET (Financial Network), SOLVIT and the European Judicial network in civil and commercial matters.
They provide information on EU and national legislation and case law
They conduct cross border comparisons of such things as prices, legislation and other issues of consumer concern.
They provide the European Commission with important ‘grassroots’ information on consumer concerns.

More info here

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